Overview of Namibia Safaris:
Namibia safaris provide vast hunting areas primarily consist of Savanna Thorn Bush and Mountain country. There are more than 40 species of mammals, ranging in sizes from the massive White Rhino and graceful Giraffe to the diminutive Damara Dik-Dik! The main hunting species include Greater Kudu, Gemsbok, Impala, Blesbuck, Cape Hartebeest, Springbuck, Eland, Mountain Zebra, Burchell Zebra, Blue Wildebeest, Black Wildebeest, Waterbuck, Nyala, Klipspringer, Duiker, Warthog, Steenbuck, Ostrich, and Baboons. Cheetah, Lion, Leopard, African Lynx and Jackal are the wildlife predators.
Why Namibia?
Comfortable ranch style accommodations with all of the modern conveniences really make for an enjoyable safari. Especially considering they are located deep into the remote game-rich areas. It is fact, Namibia’s hunting outfitters host some of Africa’s most productive, inexpensive and comfortable safaris. Many regard Namibia as the best selection for a beginner hunter to Africa, especially considering personal security.
What to Expect From Namibia Safaris?
Namibia Safaris within the Caprivi Strip have large populations of Elephant and also offers additional big game hunting species. Along with a variety of plains game species. Namibian winters are overall relatively mild, as the days are warm but the nights can be quite cold. Furthermore, even in winter it is essential for hunters to bring sunglasses for eye protection. In addition to Khaki hunting clothing, include a warm jacket for the early morning and late evening, and don’t forget to bring comfortable boots along!
The modern capitol city of Windhoek is accessible by many commercial jet carriers. They’re flights directly to and from Europe, plus efficient service to / from neighboring African countries, such Zimbabwe’s Victoria Falls and Johannesburg, South Africa.
Namibia is often complimented to be Africa’s BEST VALUE for high quality hunting at affordable pricing!!!